P+ Lean Biochem
P+ Mood Biochem

[Biochem] P+ Lean VS P+ Mood [Biochem]

2.1 VSR
2.1 VSR
$ 3.24
per pure 25g protein
$ 3.24
20 g
per serving size
20 g
$ 2.59
per serving size
$ 2.59
Amino Acids / BCAAs
Enzymes / Probiotics
7 Mineral(s): Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium
Vitamins / Minerals
7 Mineral(s): Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium
1 Flavor(s): Vanilla
1 Flavor(s): Vanilla
1 Size(s): 11.3 oz
1 Size(s): 11.4 oz
Biochem P+ Lean
Biochem P+ Mood
Our verdict

We’ve compared Biochem P+ Lean with Biochem P+ Mood. 2.1 VSR - that’s how many Biochem P+ Lean receives, so he takes first place, its competitor Biochem P+ Mood gains 2.1 VSR. The rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 25 grams of pure protein of Biochem P+ Lean is $ 3.24 as against $ 3.24 of Biochem P+ Mood. The serving of Biochem P+ Lean contains 20 grams protein as against 20 grams of Biochem P+ Mood. At the same time, a serving of Biochem P+ Lean costs $ 2.59, and a serving of Biochem P+ Mood costs $ 2.59.

The Biochem P+ Lean composition contains minerals in an amount of 7 as against 7 in Biochem P+ Mood.

Biochem P+ Lean and Biochem P+ Mood have just one flavour, Biochem P+ Lean have a Vanilla flavour, and Biochem P+ Mood has a Vanilla one. Biochem P+ Mood has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored.

Biochem P+ Lean and Biochem P+ Mood have only one size, Biochem P+ Lean has 11.3 oz and Biochem P+ Mood has 11.4 oz.

We recommend buying Biochem P+ Mood.

Same Nutrition Facts
2 g
total fat
2 g
6 g
total carbohydrate
6 g
4 g
dietary fiber
4 g
20 g
20 g
80 mg
80 mg
Effective for: Indigestion; High levels of potassium in the blood; Low levels of calcium in the blood; Kidney failure
Possibly Effective for: Colon cancer, rectal cancer; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Preventing tooth loss; Overactive parathyroid; Weak and brittle bones; Premenstrual syndrome
6 mg
6 mg
Effective for: Low levels of red blood cells in people with a long-term illness; Low levels of healthy red blood cells due to iron deficiency; Low iron levels in women who are pregnant
Possibly Effective for: Memory and thinking skills; Heart failure
400 mg
400 mg
Effective for: Hypophosphatemia; Blood acid condition, called diabetic ketoacidosis
Possibly Effective for:
130 mg
131 mg
Effective for: Constipation; Indigestion; Seizures in women with pre-eclampsia; Low levels of magnesium in the blood; A pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine
Possibly Effective for: Irregular heartbeat; Asthma; Nerve pain in people with cancer; Cerebral palsy; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cluster headache; Colon cancer, rectal cancer; Heart disease; Cystic fibrosis; Diabetes; Fibromyalgia; Hearing loss; High cholesterol; A disease of heart valves; Weak and brittle bones; Pain after surgery; Premenstrual syndrome; Chest pain due to blood vessel spasms; A type of irregular heartbeat
2.7 mg
2.8 mg
Effective for: Zinc deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Acne; A disorder of zinc deficiency; An eating disorder; Burns; Common cold; Depression; Foot sores in people with diabetes; Diaper rash; A mild form of gum disease; Bad breath; Cold sores; Reduced ability to taste; Leprosy; Muscle cramps; Weak and brittle bones; Stomach ulcers; Sore throat; Pneumonia; Preterm birth; Bed sores; Sickle cell disease; Vitamin A deficiency; Warts; Diarrhea
250 mg
250 mg
Effective for: Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Cystic fibrosis
180 mg
180 mg
Effective for: Low levels of potassium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Stroke; High blood pressure
29.5 g
plant protein
29.5 g
Providing:. Shiitake (mycelium) fermented plant protein. Organic pumpkin protein extract (seed). Water Lentil (whole Lemnaceae) protein powder
Providing:. Shiitake (mycelium) fermented plant protein. Organic pumpkin protein extract (seed). Water Lentil (whole Lemnaceae) protein powder
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
P+ Lean Biochem
DNA Verified Lean Blend
245 mg
Providing Coffeberry Organic Coffee (fruit) Extract (Providing 100 mg of caffeine)
100 mg
Fruit Extract from Capsimax standardized to 2% Capsaicinoids
Only in nutrition
P+ Mood Biochem
DNA Verified Mood Blend
275 mg
Providing Sensoril Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root and Leaf Extract. Organic Moringa Leaf Powder (Moringa oleifera, horseradish tree). Passionflower Extract (aerial)
Maybe Interesting
P+ Lean Biochem
P+ Mood Biochem