Home VSPedia Calcium

Calcium Daily Intake

Gender Age Intake
0-12 months Male 210-270 mg/day
0-12 months Female 210-270 mg/day
1-3 years Male 500 mg/day
1-3 years Female 500 mg/day
3-7 years Male 800 mg/day
3-7 years Female 800 mg/day
7-11 years Male 1100 mg/day
7-11 years Female 1100 mg/day
11-18 years Male 1300 mg/day
11-18 years Female 1300 mg/day
18 – 49 years Male 1000 mg/day
18 – 49 years Female 1000 mg/day
49 -59 years Male 1200 mg/day
49 -59 years Female 1200 mg/day
59 years and over Male 1200 mg/day
59 years and over Female 1200 mg/day

Calcium is a mineral which is very important for all living organisms. It is one of the most abundant minerals in the body where bones and teeth contain over 99% of it. The remaining calcium is contained in the nerve cells and various body tissues and fluids.

Useful Properties

Calcium is essential for the growth, reproduction, and maintenance of the body. It helps with forming and sustaining strong bones and teeth, secretion of enzymes and hormones, blood clotting, muscle relaxation and contraction, normal heartbeat, and nerve signaling.

Calcium Deficiency

A deficiency in this mineral leads to calcium deficiency and osteoporosis, muscle cramps, loss of appetite, numbness in toes and fingers, hypertension, abnormal heart rhythms, loss of jaw bone, convulsions, and even lethargy.

Thus, everybody should maintain a healthy calcium level in the body.

Calcium Side Effects

As a rule, increased calcium intake for a short period does not cause any side effects. But if you consume too much calcium for a long time, you can have vascular diseases, calcification of soft tissues, and kidney stones.

Calcium Absorption

Dairy products and dark leafy greens are the most calcium rich foods.

Some researchers state that greens contain oxalates hindering absorption of calcium but anyway they are great sources of this mineral.

In milk, buttermilk, cheeses, yogurt and other dairy foods calcium is in its very easily absorbed form which make them the most essential source. But remember that fat content of milk does not contain calcium so you should better select skim or low-fat products. Yogurt, buttermilk and cheeses will be even better choices for adults.

If you do not eat dairy, you can get calcium from sardines and salmon canned with bones, Brazil nuts, almonds, and dried beans. You can also find special calcium-enriched juices and breads.

Many grocery stores sell lactose-free milk for people with lactose intolerance. If you have an allergy to milk, you should give preference to some other sources of calcium or take special supplements.


Below you will find the list explaining how much calcium is contained in various foods:

2 ounces of cheese – about 500 mg

1 glass of whole milk – about 300 mg

2 ounces of canned sardines – about 250 mg

6 ounces of plain yogurt – about 300 mg

3 ounces of almond – about 200 mg

5 ounces of turnip – about 200 mg

You should also remember that vitamin D promotes absorbing calcium. Thus, if you are going to take a calcium supplement, prefer ones that contain it too.

Calcium Uses

Effective for
Indigestion, High levels of potassium in the blood, Low levels of calcium in the blood, Kidney failure
Possibly effective for
Colon cancer, rectal cancer, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Preventing tooth loss, Overactive parathyroid, Weak and brittle bones, Premenstrual syndrome
Possibly ineffective for
Breast cancer, Fractures, Heart attack, Obesity, Death from any cause
Insufficient evidence for
Hardening of the arteries, Autism, Cancer, Diabetes, Menstrual cramps, Lead poisoning, Cancer of the lining of the uterus, Fall prevention, Heart failure, Swelling and sores inside the mouth, Ovarian cancer, Depression after childbirth, Leg cramps in women who are pregnant, Prostate cancer, Seizures, Stroke, Lyme disease

Top 10 Foods Highest in Calcium

  • Watercress
  • Mozzarella
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Tofu
  • Okra
  • Broccoli
  • Green snap beans
  • Almonds