Home VSPedia Sodium

Sodium Daily Intake

Gender Age Intake
0-3 months Male 200 mg/day
0-3 months Female 200 mg/day
4-6 months Male 280 mg/day
4-6 months Female 280 mg/day
7-12 months Male 350 mg/day
7-12 months Female 350 mg/day
1-3 years Male 500 mg/day
1-3 years Female 500 mg/day
4-7 years Male 700 mg/day
4-7 years Female 700 mg/day
8-11 years Male 1000 mg/day
8-11 years Female 1000 mg/day
12-14 years Male 1100 mg/day
12-14 years Female 1100 mg/day
15-18 years Male 1300 mg/day
15-18 years Female 1300 mg/day
19-50 years Male 1500 mg/day
19-50 years Female 1500 mg/day
51-70 years Male 1300 mg/day
51-70 years Female 1300 mg/day
70 years and older Male 1200 mg/day
70 years and older Female 1200 mg/day

This essential mineral is required by the human body for proper functioning. It is found mainly in bones, muscle tissue, nerves, and fluids.

Useful Properties

Sodium is necessary for regulating blood volume, normal blood pressure, proper work of nerves and muscles, and some other important functions.

Sodium is very important for digestive and excretory systems. Together with potassium and chlorine, it takes part in regulation of water-salt metabolism and maintains balance of extracellular and tissue fluids.

Sodium Deficiency

Lack of sodium occurs rarely, though it can happen after diarrhea, vomiting, crash diets on water or juice, and in sportsmen who drink too much water. Its deficiency can lead to lack of appetite, gastric spasms, losing weight, skin rash, convulsions, muscle weakness, and other health issues.

Sodium Side Effects

Over-consumption of the mineral happens much more often. It causes high blood pressure, increases risk of stroke and heart attack, kidney disease and other problems.

Sodium Absorption

Table salt is the most general source of sodium, but it is also found in a number of other foods. Some products, like processed meats or fast foods, contain too much sodium.

In a healthy body, sodium is easily absorbed and is completely excreted in urine.


Persons with high blood pressure, kidney disease, cirrhosis, and congestive heart failure should stay on a low-sodium diet.

Sodium Uses

Effective for
Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly effective for
Cystic fibrosis
Insufficient evidence for
Dry eye syndrome, Mouth sores, Pinkeye, Sepsis, Sore throat

Top 6 Foods Highest in Sodium

  • Table salt
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Bacon
  • Roquefort cheese
  • Pumpkin seeds