L-Arginine Caps Life Extension
Perfusia Plus Thorne Research

[Life Extension] L-Arginine Caps VS Perfusia Plus [Thorne Research]

3.6 VSR
1.2 VSR
$ 0.14
per 1000mg L-Arginine
$ 1.07
700 mg
per serving size
1000 mg
700 mg
1000 mg
1 Size(s): 200 Capsule(s)
1 Size(s): 180 Capsule(s)
Life Extension L-Arginine Caps
Thorne Research Perfusia Plus
Our verdict

We’ve compared Life Extension L-Arginine Caps with Thorne Research Perfusia Plus. Life Extension L-Arginine Caps is the winner in this comparison and earns 3.6 VSR. Its adversary Thorne Research Perfusia Plus receives 1.2 VSR. The gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 1000 mg of L-Arginine of Life Extension L-Arginine Caps is $ 0.14 as against $ 1.07 of Thorne Research Perfusia Plus. One serving of Life Extension L-Arginine Caps contains 700 mg L-Arginine as against 1000 mg in one Thorne Research Perfusia Plus serving At the same time, a serving of Life Extension L-Arginine Caps costs $ 0.10, and a serving of Thorne Research Perfusia Plus costs $ 1.07.

Life Extension L-Arginine Caps has no taste, the manufacturer produces it unflavored. Thorne Research Perfusia Plus has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored.

Life Extension L-Arginine Caps and Thorne Research Perfusia Plus have only one size, Life Extension L-Arginine Caps has 200 capsule(s) and Thorne Research Perfusia Plus has 180 capsule(s).

We recommend buying Life Extension L-Arginine Caps.

Same Nutrition Facts
6 mg
vitamin c
300 mg
as ascorbyl palmitate
as Ascorbic Acid
Effective for: Vitamin C deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Protein in the urine; Irregular heartbeat; Emptying the colon before a colonoscopy; Common cold; Airway infections caused by exercise; Swelling of the stomach; Gout; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Lead poisoning; Osteoarthritis; Pain after surgery; Sunburn; Wrinkled skin
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
L-Arginine Caps Life Extension
Only in nutrition
Perfusia Plus Thorne Research
Vitamin B9
920 mcg DFE
552 mcg as L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate from L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid, glucosamine Salt
Effective for: Folate deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Depression; High blood pressure; Gum disease in women who are pregnant; Stroke; Serious kidney disease ; Toxicity caused by the drug methotrexate; Birth defects of the brain and spine
Green Tea Phytosome
200 mg
(Camellia sinensis extract (leaf) / Phospholipid complex from Sunflower)
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
50 mg
as Sodium R-Lipoic Acid
50 mg
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