Glycine Life Extension
Glycine Country Life

[Life Extension] Glycine VS Glycine [Country Life]

4.6 VSR
1.5 VSR
$ 0.09
per 1000mg L-Glycine
$ 0.18
1000 mg
per serving size
500 mg
1000 mg
500 mg
1 Size(s): 100 Capsule(s)
1 Size(s): 100 Tablet(s)
Life Extension Glycine
Country Life Glycine
Our verdict

After our analysis, we came to the conclusion. Life Extension Glycine wins in this battle and earns 4.6 VSR. Its opponent Country Life Glycine gains 1.5 VSR. The gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 1000 mg of L-Glycine of Life Extension Glycine is $ 0.09 as against $ 0.18 of Country Life Glycine. The serving of Life Extension Glycine contains 1000 mg L-Glycine as against 500 mg in one Country Life Glycine serving For a serving of Life Extension Glycine you will pay $ 0.09 , and a for a serving of Country Life Glycine you will have to pay $ 0.09.

Life Extension Glycine has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored. Country Life Glycine has no taste, the manufacturer produces it unflavored.

Life Extension Glycine and Country Life Glycine have only one size, Life Extension Glycine has 100 capsule(s) and Country Life Glycine has 100 tablet(s).

We recommend buying Life Extension Glycine.

Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
Glycine Life Extension
Only in nutrition
Glycine Country Life
Vitamin B6
10 mg
as Pyridoxine HCL
Effective for: Seizures; A condition in which the body makes abnormal red blood cells that build up iron ; Vitamin B6 deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Hardening of the arteries ; Kidney stones; Morning sickness; Premenstrual syndrome
Maybe Interesting