P+ Lean Biochem
ProZone NutriBiotic

[Biochem] P+ Lean VS ProZone [NutriBiotic]

2.1 VSR
2.4 VSR
$ 3.24
per pure 25g protein
$ 2.50
20 g
per serving size
14 g
$ 2.59
per serving size
$ 1.40
Amino Acids / BCAAs
Enzymes / Probiotics
7 Mineral(s): Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium
Vitamins / Minerals
1 Mineral(s): Sodium
1 Flavor(s): Vanilla
1 Flavor(s): Vanilla Bean
1 Size(s): 11.3 oz
1 Size(s): 22.5 oz
Biochem P+ Lean
NutriBiotic ProZone
Our verdict

We’ve compared Biochem P+ Lean with NutriBiotic ProZone. 2.1 VSR - that’s how many Biochem P+ Lean earns, so he is the winner, its adversary NutriBiotic ProZone earns 2.4 VSR. The rating was affected in the first place by the price of protein, thus 25 grams of pure protein of Biochem P+ Lean will cost you $ 3.24, as against $ 2.50 of NutriBiotic ProZone. The serving of Biochem P+ Lean contains 20 grams protein as against 14 grams in one NutriBiotic ProZone serving. At the same time, a serving of Biochem P+ Lean costs $ 2.59, and a serving of NutriBiotic ProZone costs $ 1.40.

The Biochem P+ Lean composition contains minerals in an amount of 7 as against 1 in NutriBiotic ProZone.

Biochem P+ Lean and NutriBiotic ProZone have just one flavour, Biochem P+ Lean have a Vanilla flavour, and NutriBiotic ProZone has a Vanilla Bean one. NutriBiotic ProZone has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored.

Biochem P+ Lean and NutriBiotic ProZone have only one size, Biochem P+ Lean has 11.3 oz and NutriBiotic ProZone has 22.5 oz.

We recommend buying NutriBiotic ProZone.

Same Nutrition Facts
2 g
total fat
6 g
6 g
total carbohydrate
19 g
20 g
14 g
250 mg
16 mg
Effective for: Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Cystic fibrosis
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
P+ Lean Biochem
Dietary Fiber
4 g
80 mg
Effective for: Indigestion; High levels of potassium in the blood; Low levels of calcium in the blood; Kidney failure
Possibly Effective for: Colon cancer, rectal cancer; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Preventing tooth loss; Overactive parathyroid; Weak and brittle bones; Premenstrual syndrome
6 mg
Effective for: Low levels of red blood cells in people with a long-term illness; Low levels of healthy red blood cells due to iron deficiency; Low iron levels in women who are pregnant
Possibly Effective for: Memory and thinking skills; Heart failure
400 mg
Effective for: Hypophosphatemia; Blood acid condition, called diabetic ketoacidosis
Possibly Effective for:
130 mg
Effective for: Constipation; Indigestion; Seizures in women with pre-eclampsia; Low levels of magnesium in the blood; A pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine
Possibly Effective for: Irregular heartbeat; Asthma; Nerve pain in people with cancer; Cerebral palsy; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cluster headache; Colon cancer, rectal cancer; Heart disease; Cystic fibrosis; Diabetes; Fibromyalgia; Hearing loss; High cholesterol; A disease of heart valves; Weak and brittle bones; Pain after surgery; Premenstrual syndrome; Chest pain due to blood vessel spasms; A type of irregular heartbeat
2.7 mg
Effective for: Zinc deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Acne; A disorder of zinc deficiency; An eating disorder; Burns; Common cold; Depression; Foot sores in people with diabetes; Diaper rash; A mild form of gum disease; Bad breath; Cold sores; Reduced ability to taste; Leprosy; Muscle cramps; Weak and brittle bones; Stomach ulcers; Sore throat; Pneumonia; Preterm birth; Bed sores; Sickle cell disease; Vitamin A deficiency; Warts; Diarrhea
180 mg
Effective for: Low levels of potassium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Stroke; High blood pressure
Plant Protein
29.5 g
Providing:. Shiitake (mycelium) fermented plant protein. Organic pumpkin protein extract (seed). Water Lentil (whole Lemnaceae) protein powder
DNA Verified Lean Blend
245 mg
Providing Coffeberry Organic Coffee (fruit) Extract (Providing 100 mg of caffeine)
100 mg
Fruit Extract from Capsimax standardized to 2% Capsaicinoids
Only in nutrition
ProZone NutriBiotic
Calories from Fat
Saturated Fat
4 g
12 g
100 mg
Maybe Interesting
P+ Lean Biochem
ProZone NutriBiotic