L-Theanine Advance Physician Formulas, Inc
TheanineUP California Gold Nutrition

[Advance Physician Formulas, Inc] L-Theanine VS TheanineUP [California Gold Nutrition]

6.6 VSR
4.6 VSR
$ 0.85
per 1000mg L-Theanine
$ 1.8
200 mg
per serving size
100 mg
200 mg
100 mg
1 Size(s): 60 Capsule(s)
1 Size(s): 60 Capsule(s)
Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine
California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP
Our verdict

We’ve conducted an analysis of Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine and California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP. 6.6 VSR - this amount Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine earns, so he wins, its competitor California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP earns 4.6 VSR. The gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price of L-Theanine, thus 1000 mg of L-Theanine of Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine going to cost you $ 0.85, as against $ 1.8 of California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP. The serving of Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine contains 200 mg L-Theanine as against 100 mg in one California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP serving At the same time, a serving of Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine costs $ 0.17, and a serving of California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP costs $ 0.18.

Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine has no taste, the manufacturer produces it unflavored. California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored.

Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine and California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP have only one size, Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine has 60 capsule(s) and California Gold Nutrition TheanineUP has 60 capsule(s).

We recommend buying Advance Physician Formulas, Inc L-Theanine.

Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
L-Theanine Advance Physician Formulas, Inc
Only in nutrition
TheanineUP California Gold Nutrition
100 mg
from 144 mg Organic Coffee (Coffee arabica) Fruit Extract, Coffeeberry
100 mg
Organic. Theobroma cacao Powder
Green Tea
100 mg
Matcha. Camellia sinensis Powder
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