Home VSPedia Copper

Copper Daily Intake

Gender Age Intake
0-6 months Male 200 mcg (about 30 mcg/kg per day)
0-6 months Female 200 mcg (about 30 mcg/kg per day)
7-12 months Male 220 mcg (about 24 mcg/kg per day)
7-12 months Female 220 mcg (about 24 mcg/kg per day)
1-3 years Male 340 mcg/day
1-3 years Female 340 mcg/day
3-7 years Male 440 mcg/day
3-7 years Female 440 mcg/day
7-14 years Male 700 mcg/day
7-14 years Female 700 mcg/day
14-18 years Male 890 mcg/day
14-18 years Female 890 mcg/day
18 years and older Male 900 mcg/day
18 years and older Female 900 mcg/day

This essential mineral is mostly contained in the muscles and bones of the human body. Its amount in the blood is regulated by the liver. Copper is often used in medicine.

Useful Properties

The body needs copper for producing connective tissues and bones. It also helps to code some enzymes performing numerous important functions, like making melanin or removing free radicals. Copper is important for absorption of iron.

In medicine, copper is effective for treating osteoarthritis, reduced iron in blood, osteoporosis, and wound healing.

Copper Deficiency

Its deficiency may lead to joint pain, anemia, lowered immunity, and brittle bones. As a rule, modern people rarely have copper deficiency, but sometimes it happens when someone gets too much zinc supplements, after being fed with feeding tubes, or after intestinal bypass surgery. Deficiency in copper can occur in infants if they are malnourished.

Copper Side Effects

Too much copper in the body can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. In the long term, over-consumption of the mineral can lead to senility, schizophrenia, kidney failure, insomnia, and depression.

Copper Absorption

Copper is contained in various foods and is easily absorbed. People who eat a diverse diet and do not have any healthy issues, does not need special copper supplements.

Copper Uses

Effective for
Copper deficiency
Possibly effective for
Possibly ineffective for
Alzheimer's disease, Diarrhea, Lupus
Insufficient evidence for
Acne, Dental plaque, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Wound healing

Top 10 Foods Highest in Copper

  • Oysters
  • Kale
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cashew nuts
  • Chickpeas
  • Prunes
  • Avocados
  • Goat cheese
  • Tempeh