Organic Protein Shake Orgain
Veggie Protein MRM

[Orgain] Organic Protein Shake VS Veggie Protein [MRM]

3.2 VSR
5.6 VSR
$ 6.70
per pure 25g protein
$ 1.42
21 g
per serving size
22 g
$ 5.63
per serving size
$ 1.25
Amino Acids / BCAAs
Enzymes / Probiotics
2 Mineral(s): Sodium, Potassium
Vitamins / Minerals
2 Mineral(s): Sodium, Potassium
2 Flavor(s): Chocolate, Vanilla Bean
2 Flavor(s): Chocolate, Vanilla
1 Size(s): 1 Bottle(s)
1 Size(s): 20.1 oz
Orgain Organic Protein Shake
MRM Veggie Protein
Our verdict

We’ve conducted an analysis of Orgain Organic Protein Shake and MRM Veggie Protein. Orgain Organic Protein Shake is the winner in this comparison and earns 3.2 VSR. Its adversary MRM Veggie Protein earns 5.6 VSR. The gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price of protein, thus 25 grams of pure protein of Orgain Organic Protein Shake going to cost you $ 6.70, as against $ 1.42 of MRM Veggie Protein. The serving of Orgain Organic Protein Shake contains 21 grams protein as against 22 grams of MRM Veggie Protein. At the same time, a serving of Orgain Organic Protein Shake costs $ 5.63, and a serving of MRM Veggie Protein costs $ 1.25.

The Orgain Organic Protein Shake composition contains minerals in an amount of 2 as against 2 in MRM Veggie Protein.

Orgain releases 2 flavors of Organic Protein Shake. MRM produces 2 flavors of Veggie Protein.

Orgain Organic Protein Shake and MRM Veggie Protein have only one size, Orgain Organic Protein Shake has 1 bottle(s) and MRM Veggie Protein has 20.1 oz.

We recommend buying MRM Veggie Protein.

Community reviews
Joe Palmer 2021-09-16 09:08:49

Orgain Organic Protein Shake
Orgain Organic Protein Shake Chocolate: delicious, healthy, portable and convenient, just perfect! Our shakes are great for a satisfying meal or snack. No artificial flavors or sweeteners and they taste great cold or as is

MRM Veggie Protein
MRM Veggie Protein Vanilla: Garden of Life is a vegan-owned health supplement provider. Their supplements include products for anything from weight loss to skin care, and they promote a natural approach to maintaining one's health

Dylan Gagnon 2022-02-08 14:52:43

Orgain Organic Protein Shake
Organic Protein Shake Chocolate: This might cause stomach upset for people that are lactose intolerant. If you're fine with milk, this is a healthy option. If not, the Vegan shake is more of your style

MRM Veggie Protein
MRM Veggie Protein Vanilla: Purchased this veggie protein as an additive to my green veggie smoothies. The vanilla tastes great, and it works well with what I usually put in my shakes (veggies, almond or coconut milk). Working towards getting all my protein from plants, as recent studies support plant-based protein diets being healthier than animal protein based diets

Charlie Martin 2022-02-17 15:11:19

Orgain Organic Protein Shake
I love Orgain Organic Protein Shake, they're a great company. I like the ice mocha flavor because it reminds me of coffee, and it's one of the best flavors with no after taste. One of my only complaints about any form of Orgain product is that the amount of carbohydrates in it seem to be a bit too high for my liking

MRM Veggie Protein
Those who love plant-based products will be interested in finding out more about these types of nutrition. They will like what they see with the claims on this product-- gluten-free, soy-free, and vegan--and will be satisfied with its flavor and texture

Peter Morris 2022-03-21 15:23:25

Orgain Organic Protein Shake
I would recommend the Orgain Organic Protein Shake Chocolate; the ordering process was the only issue I saw. It is a great product with great taste and value for your money. Brick and mortars charge much more than you can get it online, but this issue was too distracting for me to order it again

MRM Veggie Protein
This protein powder has an amazing taste. Other brands of protein powder have a much sweeter and thicker texture. They're good, but this one is better

Same Nutrition Facts
calories from fat
5 g
total fat
3.5 g
360 mg
240 mg
Effective for: Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Cystic fibrosis
360 mg
150 mg
Effective for: Low levels of potassium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Stroke; High blood pressure
15 g
total carbohydrate
6 g
7 g
dietary fiber
4 g
21 g
22 g
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
Organic Protein Shake Orgain
Saturated Fat
1 g
7 g
Only in nutrition
Veggie Protein MRM
2 g
760 mg
from Flaxseed powder, chia seed powder & sacha inchi powder
340 mg
from Flaxseed powder, sunflower seed powder, chia seed powder & sacha inchi powder
Antioxidant Blend
300 mg
MRM High ORAC. Grape Seed & Skin Extract, Blueberry Extract, Raspberry Powder, Cranberry Powder, Prune Powder, Cherry Powder, Bilberry Extract, Strawberry Powder, Broccoli Cruciferous Extract, Spinach Powder, Tomato Powder, Carrot Powder, Onion Powder
Maybe Interesting
Organic Protein Shake Orgain
Veggie Protein MRM