Organic Plant Protein NutraBio Labs
Plant Protein Life Extension

[NutraBio Labs] Organic Plant Protein VS Plant Protein [Life Extension]

3.7 VSR
4.8 VSR
$ 2.47
per pure 25g protein
$ 2.36
18 g
per serving size
18 g
$ 1.78
per serving size
$ 1.70
Amino Acids / BCAAs
Enzymes / Probiotics
1 Enzyme(s): Digestive Enzyme Blend
1 Mineral(s): Sodium
Vitamins / Minerals
2 Mineral(s): Sodium, Calcium
2 Flavor(s): Chocolate, Vanilla
1 Flavor(s): Vanilla
1 Size(s): 1 lb
1 Size(s): 15.87 oz
NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein
Life Extension Plant Protein
Our verdict

After our analysis, we came to the conclusion. NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein wins in this comparison and earns 3.7 VSR. Its rival Life Extension Plant Protein gains 4.8 VSR. The enormous gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 25 grams of pure protein of NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein is $ 2.47 as against $ 2.36 of Life Extension Plant Protein. One serving of NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein contains 18 grams protein as against 18 grams of Life Extension Plant Protein. For a serving of NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein you will pay $ 1.78 , and a for a serving of Life Extension Plant Protein you will have to pay $ 1.70.

The NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein composition contains minerals in an amount of 1 as against 2 in Life Extension Plant Protein.

Also Life Extension Plant Protein contains enzymes in an amount of 1.

NutraBio Labs releases 2 flavors of Organic Plant Protein. Life Extension Plant Protein has just one flavour, Vanilla.

NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein and Life Extension Plant Protein have only one size, NutraBio Labs Organic Plant Protein has 1 lb and Life Extension Plant Protein has 15.87 oz.

We recommend buying Life Extension Plant Protein.

Same Nutrition Facts
calories from fat
2 g
total fat
1.5 g
2 g
total carbohydrate
4 g
1 g
dietary fiber
2 g
18 g
18 g
190 mg
75 mg
Effective for: Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Cystic fibrosis
24.4 g
plant protein
25 g
Organic Rice Protein. Organic Pea Protein. Organic Hemp Protein. Organic Mushroom Blend (Reishi 120 mg, King Trumpet 120 mg, Lion's Mane 120 mg, Cordyceps 60 mg, Himematsutake 60 mg, Turkey Tails 60 mg, Shiitake 30 mg, Maitake 30 mg)
+ Amino Acid Blend. Organic pea protein isolate, branched chain amino acids (L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-Valine), glycine, L-glutamine, brown rice protein concentrate
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
Organic Plant Protein NutraBio Labs
Only in nutrition
Plant Protein Life Extension
130 mg
Effective for: Indigestion; High levels of potassium in the blood; Low levels of calcium in the blood; Kidney failure
Possibly Effective for: Colon cancer, rectal cancer; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Preventing tooth loss; Overactive parathyroid; Weak and brittle bones; Premenstrual syndrome
Nutrim Oat Bran
1875 mg
1537 mg
from Agave tequilana, blue agave juice extract, plant
Digestive Enzyme Blend
93 mg
bromelain, from pineapple, stem, alpha-galactosidase, Aspergillus niger
Maybe Interesting
Organic Plant Protein NutraBio Labs
Plant Protein Life Extension