Stress Factors Nutra BioGenesis
Theanine Serene Relora Source Naturals

[Nutra BioGenesis] Stress Factors VS Theanine Serene Relora [Source Naturals]

1.2 VSR
3.9 VSR
$ 5.7
per 1000mg L-Theanine
$ 2.45
100 mg
per serving size
200 mg
100 mg
200 mg
1 Size(s): 60 Capsule(s)
1 Size(s): 60 Tablet(s)
Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors
Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora
Our verdict

We’ve compared Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors with Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora. Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors takes first place in this analysis and gets 1.2 VSR. Its competitor Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora gains 3.9 VSR. The gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 1000 mg of L-Theanine of Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors is $ 5.7 as against $ 2.45 of Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora. The serving of Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors contains 100 mg L-Theanine as against 200 mg of Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora For a serving of Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors you will pay $ 0.57 , and a for a serving of Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora you will have to pay $ 0.49.

Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored. Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora has no taste, the manufacturer produces it unflavored.

Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors and Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora have only one size, Nutra BioGenesis Stress Factors has 60 capsule(s) and Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora has 60 tablet(s).

We recommend buying Source Naturals Theanine Serene Relora.

Same Nutrition Facts
25 mg
500 mg
gamma-aminobutyric acid
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
Stress Factors Nutra BioGenesis
Vitamin B6
4.5 mg
from pyridoxal-5'-phosphate
Effective for: Seizures; A condition in which the body makes abnormal red blood cells that build up iron ; Vitamin B6 deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Hardening of the arteries ; Kidney stones; Morning sickness; Premenstrual syndrome
85 mg
Humulus lupulus, strobile
Passion flower
85 mg
Passiflora incarnata, aerial extract, 20:1
50 mg
12.5 mg
from Griffonia simplicifolia, seed extract
Lithium orotate
5 mg
Only in nutrition
Theanine Serene Relora Source Naturals
Total Carbohydrate
1 g
300 mg
as magnesium chelate
Effective for: Constipation; Indigestion; Seizures in women with pre-eclampsia; Low levels of magnesium in the blood; A pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine
Possibly Effective for: Irregular heartbeat; Asthma; Nerve pain in people with cancer; Cerebral palsy; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cluster headache; Colon cancer, rectal cancer; Heart disease; Cystic fibrosis; Diabetes; Fibromyalgia; Hearing loss; High cholesterol; A disease of heart valves; Weak and brittle bones; Pain after surgery; Premenstrual syndrome; Chest pain due to blood vessel spasms; A type of irregular heartbeat
450 mg
Proprietary Blend
150 mg
Relora a proprietary blend of a patented extract from Magnolia officinalis bark and a proprietary extract from Phellodendron amurense bark
Holy Basil
100 mg
Leaf Extract
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