Carnivor Mass MuscleMeds
Mass Tech Muscletech

[MuscleMeds] Carnivor Mass VS Mass Tech [Muscletech]

7.6 VSR
9.5 VSR
per serving size
$ 5.35
per 1000 calories
$ 5.35
50 g
per serving size
63 g
$ 3.85
per serving size
$ 4.49
per serving size
9 g
5 Mineral(s): Calcium, Iron, Chromium, Sodium, Potassium
Vitamins / Minerals
3 Mineral(s): Calcium, Iron, Sodium
Amino Acids / BCAAs
Amino Total: 10.4 g
BCAAs: 14 g
Enzymes / Probiotics
2 Enzyme(s): Papain, Amylase
Calcium, Sodium, Potassium
Calcium, Sodium
2 Flavor(s): Chocolate Fudge, Chocolate Peanut Butter
2 Flavor(s): Cookies & Cream, Milk Chocolate
2 Size(s): 5.99 lb, 6 lb
1 Size(s): 7 lb
MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass
Muscletech Mass Tech
Our verdict

After our analysis, we came to the conclusion. 7.6 VSR - this amount MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass receives, so he takes first place, its rival Muscletech Mass Tech earns 9.5 VSR. The enormous gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 1000 calories of MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass is $ 5.35 as against $ 5.35 of Muscletech Mass Tech. One serving of MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass contains 720 calories as against 840 calories in one Muscletech Mass Tech serving. The presence of protein also affects the rating for the better. MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass contains 50 grams of protein as against 63 grams in Muscletech Mass Tech. A greater amount of sugar lowers our rating, MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass contains grams of protein as against 9 grams in Muscletech Mass Tech At the same time, a serving of MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass costs $ 3.85, and a serving of Muscletech Mass Tech costs $ 4.49.

The MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass composition contains electrolytes in an amount of 3 as against 2 in Muscletech Mass Tech, MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass contains minerals 5 as against 3 in Muscletech Mass Tech.

The composition of Muscletech Mass Tech contains the 1 amino acids, 3 bcaa, 2 enzymes.

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass is produced in 2 flavors. Muscletech Mass Tech is produced in 2 flavors.

MuscleMeds makes available 2 different sizes of Carnivor Mass. Muscletech Mass Tech has just one size, 7 lb.

We recommend buying Muscletech Mass Tech.

Community reviews
Ethan Nguyen 2021-09-27 18:10:21

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass
MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass Chocolate Fudge: Solid Mass Gainer. I use this product twice a day, 2 scoops in the morning and 2 post-workout for a total of 1 serving(700+ calories) as listed on the bottle. 2 scoops is kinda hard to mix by itself, I haven't attempted more than that. Canivor Mass tastes pretty good, but most of all it is effective. I have a severe dairy allergy and cannot take whey, casein or any dairy products

Muscletech Mass Tech
Muscletech Mass Tech Cookies and Cream is a muscle building formula that has been used by many lifters around the world. It has ingredients such as creatine, low-calorie sweeteners, and caffeine that work to support healthy muscle building

Jasmine Anderson 2021-12-12 09:35:56

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass
How about a little chocolate to kickstart your day? For those of us who have tried everything from store brands to conventional brands, this mass chocolate is a hit

Muscletech Mass Tech
Muscletech Mass Tech Cookies & Cream: The husband is a bodybuilder and loves this gainer because it has just the right amount of protein and sugar, but it also has complex carbs for energy. It mixed well with water and milk without lumps

Aleah Li 2022-01-01 19:11:09

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass
I did not enjoy the gainer. One hour after ingesting, I was bloated. Drinking with skim milk made it worse. MuscleMeds offers a price so much lower when compared to Genny's, which makes it easy to get more creatine and still save money in the process

Muscletech Mass Tech
Muscletech Mass Tech Cookies & Cream: way too thick. 5 scoops and 16 oz of skim milk and it was utter undrinkable. Tried to suck it through a straw, and my jaw started hurting.(Strawberry)

Daniel Williams 2022-01-24 19:59:39

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass
MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass Chocolate Fudge: Tastes great! I've never tasted another protein shake that i like as much as i like this one. It has a sweet but not overpowering taste. It tastes like that cookie crisp cereal but in shake form. Taste even better when you throw in a couple of ice cubes into the blender. I take this right after my workout and i feel great all day. I take 2-3 scoops after my workout, too

Muscletech Mass Tech
I couldn't finish first order, then I switched to ordering what matched my current needs. That one never made me nauseous. Even when I used half a serving, it made my stomach uneasy

Noah Lee 2022-02-20 09:09:54

MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass
With MuscleMeds Carnivor Mass Chocolate Fudge, I'm getting a boost of calories and protein to help me make it through my workouts. It helps with building muscle and training properly so results can be seen. The taste is not great but as long as I use the right amount of water, it's palatable

Muscletech Mass Tech
Muscletech Mass Tech Cookies & Cream is an amazing product. I started using the product just a week and a half ago and I've already gained in 6 pounds. I haven't reached the whole container yet as I'm using 4 scoops instead of the 5 recommended, along with a banana, a spoon of peanut butter and milk. Of course that isn't just the diet plan you need to be successful. I've been eating like crazy (no dirty foo

Same Nutrition Facts
2.5 g
total fat
7 g
2.5 g
saturated fat
4 g
125 g
total carbohydrate
132 g
50 g
63 g
40 mg
750 mg
Effective for: Indigestion; High levels of potassium in the blood; Low levels of calcium in the blood; Kidney failure
Possibly Effective for: Colon cancer, rectal cancer; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Preventing tooth loss; Overactive parathyroid; Weak and brittle bones; Premenstrual syndrome
3 mg
0.75 mg
Effective for: Low levels of red blood cells in people with a long-term illness; Low levels of healthy red blood cells due to iron deficiency; Low iron levels in women who are pregnant
Possibly Effective for: Memory and thinking skills; Heart failure
650 mg
270 mg
Effective for: Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Cystic fibrosis
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
Carnivor Mass MuscleMeds
Dietary Fiber
3 g
200 mcg
Effective for: Chromium deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Diabetes
400 mg
Effective for: Low levels of potassium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Stroke; High blood pressure
Only in nutrition
Mass Tech Muscletech
Calories from Fat
200 mg
9 g
10.4 g
as Whey Protein, Calcium Caseinate, Egg Albumin, L-Glutamine
Creatine Monohydrate
10 g
6.5 g
as Whey Protein, Calcium Caseinate, Egg Albumin, L-Leucine
4.1 g
as Whey Protein Calcium Caseinate, Egg Albumin, L-Isoleucine
3.4 g
as Whey Protein, Calcium Caseinate, Egg Albumin, L-Valine
50 mg
50 mg
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