L-Carnitine Best Naturals
L-Carnitine Optimum Nutrition

[Best Naturals] L-Carnitine VS L-Carnitine [Optimum Nutrition]

5.8 VSR
0.8 VSR
$ 0.2
per 1000mg L-Carnitine Fumarate
$ 0.66
1000 mg
L-Carnitine Fumarate
per serving size
500 mg
1000 mg
500 mg
1 Size(s): 60 Tablet(s)
1 Size(s): 60 Tablet(s)
Best Naturals L-Carnitine
Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine
Our verdict

After our analysis, we came to the conclusion. Best Naturals L-Carnitine wins in this analysis and gets 5.8 VSR. Its opponent Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine gains 0.8 VSR. The gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price of L-Carnitine Fumarate (L-Carnitine), thus 1000 mg of L-Carnitine Fumarate (L-Carnitine) of Best Naturals L-Carnitine going to cost you $ 0.2, as against $ 0.66 of Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine. One serving of Best Naturals L-Carnitine contains 1000 mg L-Carnitine Fumarate (L-Carnitine) as against 500 mg in one Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine serving For a serving of Best Naturals L-Carnitine you will pay $ 0.20 , and a for a serving of Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine you will have to pay $ 0.33.

Best Naturals L-Carnitine has no taste, the manufacturer produces it unflavored. Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored.

Best Naturals L-Carnitine and Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine have only one size, Best Naturals L-Carnitine has 60 tablet(s) and Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine has 60 tablet(s).

We recommend buying Best Naturals L-Carnitine.

Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
L-Carnitine Best Naturals
L-Carnitine Fumarate
1000 mg
Only in nutrition
L-Carnitine Optimum Nutrition
95 mg
as dicalcium phosphate
Effective for: Indigestion; High levels of potassium in the blood; Low levels of calcium in the blood; Kidney failure
Possibly Effective for: Colon cancer, rectal cancer; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Preventing tooth loss; Overactive parathyroid; Weak and brittle bones; Premenstrual syndrome
70 mg
as dicalcium phosphate
500 mg
as L-Carnitine tartrate
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