Amazing Protein Glow Amazing Grass
Watermelon Seed Protein Sprout Living

[Amazing Grass] Amazing Protein Glow VS Watermelon Seed Protein [Sprout Living]

4.2 VSR
$ 2.82
per pure 25g protein
$ 2.92
15 g
per serving size
12 g
$ 1.69
per serving size
$ 1.40
Amino Acids / BCAAs
Enzymes / Probiotics
8 Vitamin(s): Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B5
2 Mineral(s): Iron, Sodium
Vitamins / Minerals
2 Flavor(s): Chocolate Rose, Vanilla Honeysuckle
2 Size(s): 11.1 oz, 12.2 oz
1 Size(s): 10 oz
Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow
Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein
Our verdict

After our analysis, we came to the conclusion. 4.2 VSR - that’s how many Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow gains, so he wins, its competitor Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein receives 1 VSR. The colossal gap in rating was affected in the first place by the price, the cost of 25 grams of pure protein of Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow is $ 2.82 as against $ 2.92 of Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein. The serving of Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow contains 15 grams protein as against 12 grams of Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein. For a serving of Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow you will pay $ 1.69 , and a for a serving of Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein you will have to pay $ 1.40.

The composition of Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow contains 2 groups of components like vitamins, minerals.

Additional components are not contained in Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein.

Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow is available in 2 flavors. Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein has no taste, the manufacturer makes it unflavored.

Amazing Grass produces 2 different sizes of Amazing Protein Glow. Sprout Living Watermelon Seed Protein has just one size, 10 oz.

We recommend buying Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow.

Same Nutrition Facts
1.5 g
total fat
1 g
2 g
total carbohydrate
3 g
1 g
dietary fiber
1 g
15 g
12 g
Difference Nutrition Facts
Only in nutrition
Amazing Protein Glow Amazing Grass
Vitamin C
18 mg
Effective for: Vitamin C deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Protein in the urine; Irregular heartbeat; Emptying the colon before a colonoscopy; Common cold; Airway infections caused by exercise; Swelling of the stomach; Gout; High cholesterol; High blood pressure; Lead poisoning; Osteoarthritis; Pain after surgery; Sunburn; Wrinkled skin
Vitamin B1
1.2 mg
Effective for: Metabolic disorders; Thiamine deficiency; Brain disorder due to thiamine deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Cataracts; Kidney disease in people with diabetes; Painful menstruation
Vitamin B2
1.3 mg
Effective for: Preventing and treating low riboflavin levels
Possibly Effective for: Cataracts; Migraine headaches
Vitamin B3
3.2 mg
Effective for: Abnormal levels of blood fats; Treatment and prevention of niacin deficiency, and certain conditions related to niacin deficiency such as pellagra
Possibly Effective for: Metabolic syndrome; Abnormal levels of blood fats
Vitamin B6
1.7 mg
Effective for: Seizures; A condition in which the body makes abnormal red blood cells that build up iron ; Vitamin B6 deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Hardening of the arteries ; Kidney stones; Morning sickness; Premenstrual syndrome
Vitamin B9
80 mcg
Effective for: Folate deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Depression; High blood pressure; Gum disease in women who are pregnant; Stroke; Serious kidney disease ; Toxicity caused by the drug methotrexate; Birth defects of the brain and spine
Vitamin B7
30 mcg
Effective for: Biotin deficiency
Possibly Effective for: Biotin deficiency
Vitamin B5
2.5 mg
Effective for: Pantothenic acid deficiency
Possibly Effective for:
4.3 mg
Effective for: Low levels of red blood cells in people with a long-term illness; Low levels of healthy red blood cells due to iron deficiency; Low iron levels in women who are pregnant
Possibly Effective for: Memory and thinking skills; Heart failure
260 mg
Effective for: Low levels of sodium in the blood
Possibly Effective for: Cystic fibrosis
Only in nutrition
Watermelon Seed Protein Sprout Living
Maybe Interesting
Amazing Protein Glow Amazing Grass
Watermelon Seed Protein Sprout Living